Reflexology Plus Therapies

In the ‘Zone’ for ‘5 Resolutions to improve your health and looks’ | Foot Stories | The Energy Exchange

Whilst sorting a pile of journals recently, I came across an old ‘best seller’ book on the concept of ‘Zone Therapy’ for beauty, health and wellbeing by Joseph Corvo. (A little more about his interesting life later in the Blog).  It’s a veritable ‘mine of information’ covering conditions ranging from anaemia to varicose veins!  Given to me by one of my clients, this book goes back some (to the 1990’s).  At that time, Joseph was recognized for the efficacy of his pioneering holistic work with pressure points, energy zones, colour therapy and diet.  However, times have moved on and many books later, this little treasure languished in my ‘library’, the pages yellowed with age.

Wise Tips

I was contemplating throwing it out but as I placed it to one side a worn press cutting fell to the floor – looking rather like an ancient pirate’s map, it contained some familiar wisdom and well-being tips for health and beauty which still resonate, as follows:-

  • Accept that your health and well-being matter – ‘nobody will look after them if you don’t . . . taking care of yourself is not self-centred or vain – it’s good sense and an investment in your future’
  • Reduce or avoid toxins e.g. tobacco, alcohol – which ‘alter the natural action and therefore the balance of the body’ . . .by doing so you ‘give the body the best possible conditions to help it recover its natural balance’.
  • Eat foods which your body needs for vitality, glowing skin, healthy hair etc., because ‘food is the fuel for everything you do, think and are . . . ‘say yes to whole grains, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, juices, salads’ and  no to ‘processed meals, overcooked vegetables, sweets, soft drinks, sugar and white bread.
  • Keep moving ‘use it or lose it is the rule for physical ability. You don’t have to take a ten mile morning run. You do have regularly to stretch the body, stimulate circulation and exercise the muscles and organs.
  • Develop your mental strength. ‘Serenity, happy relationships and cheerfulness can’t come from anywhere but inside us.  . . .

Follow your talent!

Joseph Corvo was a Yorkshire lad; his father was a miner and at the tender age of 14, Joseph followed in his father’s footsteps down the mines.  However, a year later, as fortune would have it, Joseph won a singing competition, catapulting him into a career as a tenor and to the United states which, in turn, would change the direction of his life for ever.   

It’s interesting how paths cross because whilst on a concert tour in the USA Joseph discovered the ground-breaking work of Dr. William Fitzgerald – well known to reflexologists for his clinical research into the efficacy of reflex and zone therapy.


The Founding Father: ‘while head of the Nose and Throat Department of St. Francis Hospital, Hartford, Conn.’ Dr. Fitzgerald’s ‘discovery of the Chinese method of Zone Therapy was brought to the attention of the medical world, pointing out the fact that pressure and the massaging of certain zones has a definite effect in bringing about normal physiological functioning in all parts of the zone treated, no matter how remote this area may be from the part upon which the treatment is exerted’. 

This is a quote from the trail blazing.

 Founding Mother of modern-day reflexology, Eunice Ingham (1889-1974) whose books ‘Stories the Feet Can Tell Thru Reflexology and Stories the Feet Have Told Thru Reflexology’ are very much part of the curriculum for reflexologists.  They also make a good read for non-therapists, interested in the power of the body and good health maintenance read more

Destiny Calls! It seems that Joseph, even as a child, had a natural talent for hands on healing work and captivated by the potential of Zone Theory eventually set up his own Clinic specializing in this form of therapy.  Corvo’s ‘alternative’ practice was ahead of its time and based on results, went from strength to strength, attracting the celebs of his day as his reputation grew.

From one place to another:

 ‘Science tells us that the body is an electromagnetic field, with electromagnetic currents coursing round it.’ 

These ‘zones’ which so fascinated Joseph Corvo run vertically through the body in line with the toes and fingers and, from a reflexology perspective, are reflected in the hands and feet also.  The idea is that the body is divided into equal parts with five zones on the left side and five on the right.  All organs, glands and nervous systems fall into these zones’

Energetically, I find there is a validity to their principle and purpose.  Likewise, with the meridian system –  whose ‘branches’ and ‘sub branches’ connect to and nourish the joints, muscles, organs and systems of the body. Despite their differences, both the Zones and the meridians (a more complex body network) share common therapeutic ground: namely, if you press reflexes or acupressure points in one location, there is a knock-on effect in another, relevant, location – both act like energy dam-blockers or busters.

Wellness is a state of being:  Our energy levels are always changing for better or worse, depending on what we think, how we feel, what we do and how much stress we are under. Looking after your body inside and out matters.  The beauty of working with TCM 5-Elements, the meridians and the ‘zones’ is that together they’re an energy compass for restoring,  re-energizing and re-integrating the harmonics of mind, body, spirit equilibrium.

Call to action!

‘Energy is your body’s magic. Keep it healthy and it keeps you healthy’ (Donna Eden).

Coming full circle, the press cutting referred to above recommends:

  • Invest in your wellness
  • look at improving your diet and life-style
  • take action
  • build more movement into your life
  • don’t neglect your spiritual state because without it you can’t be healthy, happy or beautiful.

The amazing thing – this cutting was dated 1978! Alas I couldn’t see any reference to give credit here.

Whilst styles of methodology and protocols have evolved and changed somewhat since Joseph wrote his book, I won’t chuck it, instead (and this should appeal to his mining background)  I shall cherish it for some ‘golden nuggets’  such as  ‘the thyroid is often referred to as the third ovary’.

Mind body harmony: Everything works together for the benefit of the whole.   

Louise Exeter

© September 2017




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