Reflexology Plus Therapies

What’s different about Chi-Reflexology

yin_yangChi-Reflexology, augments the tenets of traditional reflexology which forms the bedrock of my treatment.    
However, there are differences between the two styles:

With Chi-Reflexology:- energy of the mind, thought and emotion is inextricably linked with body status.  
This creates a different treatment perspective.

Yin/Yang theory and practice provide greater scope for treatment analysis, response and flexibility.

Treating the feet as if working the actual body engenders a different touch ethos!

standard reflexology ‘mapping’  is refined and expanded through the ‘Anatomical Reflection Theory’
facilitating more intricate and extensive  ‘body work’.

To me the difference between the two styles is not mutually exclusive. They can allow an East/West
synergy – but working the Chi is like the ‘icing on the cake’ – enabling me to take my treatment and
the benefits for my clients further.




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